The left hand palm lines is inborn with you.
The right hand palm lines will changes as you grown.
The accuracy of palmistry will be 80% from right palm and 20% from left palm.
Different palms lines have different meaning in life, and it can be classified into the following 15 types:
1、生命线 Life Lines (LL)
LL is the line grain begin from in between the thumb and forefinger at the palm side to the bottom of palm.
The length of the LL do not represent the length of days (how long is your life), but represent the
strength of vitality, so LL is sometime called vitality lines.
LL long, deep and ruddy means strong vitality, resistant to disease is strong, not easy to fall ill.
On the contrary, if LL grain shallow and weak, it is weak, get tired easily.
A thick LL means suitable for labor or the movement job, and thin LL suitable for the non labor work.
The portion of palm high places that surrounded by LL indicate the energetic, the larger portion it
surrounded the more energe, erotic exuberant; Range of small portion, indicate weak, get tired easily.
Chain shape at beginning of LL means having a ill children period
A grain end tassel at end of LL means watch out for old man disease.
Island shape on LL, represents hospitalized, larger size represents the worst illness and longer hospitalized.
2、智能线 Intelligent Lines (IL)
IL begin at the same point as LL, it end below between the ring finger and the little finger is the ideal.
Too short the IL means not so intelligent.
Too long the IL means too shrewd, not so good.
Deep and fine IL is the ideal one, it mean thought can focus, mind.
IL with island shape means weak memory or brain frustrated.
Chain at begin of IL means external environment affect study.
LL and IL join at start and apart after a distance mean introverted, cautious and well thought out.
If apart after too long a distance, means seem, worry a lot, Not decisive.
LL and IL do not start together, means dearing and outgoing, fearless.
If start too far apart, mean recklessly.
3、感情线 Affection Lines (AL)
AL begin from palm side below the little finger and go toward the middle or index finger.
Normally end below and between the middle and index finger.
AL end below index finger means love with spirit.
AL end below middle finger means love of the flesh.
AL long have bifurcation and bend downward, means can sacrifice for love.
Fine and deep AL line means exquisite feeling, thick and shallow means extensive feeling.
Featheriness grain at begin (both top and bottom) of AL means enthusiasm.
Featheriness grain at begin (top only) of AL means wit, fast response in adapt oneself to changing
Island shape appear on AL below ring finger means eye has a problem, myopia amblyopia or flash
Island shape appear on AL at other location means emotional problems.
Broken AL means feelings are frustrations.
4、婚姻线 Marriage Lines (ML)
May have more than one ML but, should have one deep and obvious once.
Having two deep ML means marriage in disputes wtih third party.
More than six ML and none of it is deep and obvious, means messy marriage.

ML long means choosing spouse at a higher requirement, marriage with pressure.
ML long and end below ring finger and close to SL (see 6. Sun Line), means good in-laws, will bring
wealth and popularity.
If go beyond SL means in-laws will affect your wealth and popularity.
Bifurcation at end of ML means will break out easily.
Island shape appear on ML means may separation.
Ending of ML bend upward means lack of the will of the marriage.
5、事业线 Enterprise Lines (EL)
Non continueous EL means unstable job or often change in work environment.
EL end at IL means self decide not to work.
EL go beyond IL and end at AL means for emotional problem and stop working.
Two EL means can have part-time job or development another sideline.
6、太阳线 Sun Lines (SL)
Double SL means have a good reputation in the society.
Too many SL means wide interest, but not focus.
Island shape or cross shape at SL means fame or money loss.
7、健康纹 Health Lines (HL)
HL start from below the little finger and go toward LL.
Without HL means healthy.
Non continueous HL means intestines and stomach indigestion.
Chain shape appear on HL means having respiratory problems.
Island shape appear at begin of HL means throat or head problem.
Island shape appear at end of HL means urinary problem.
8、创作纹 Creation Lines (CL)
Normally appear in two slant lines. it represent creative.
Work in research, writing or painting will have achievements.
9、财富纹 Wealth Lines (WL)
WL locate at second lower portion of the thumb.
Whether it is vertical or horizontal, the more it is, the wealthy you are.
10、努力纹 Work hard Lines (WkL)
Having WkL means your efforts will have results.
If WkL begin from start of LL and going up toward the index finger, it means hope lines. having more dreams and will have more luck.
11、不测纹 Accident Lines (AdL)
AdL is thick at begin and thin at the end, locate below middle finger going downward to LL.
Having AdL means will meet with accident or haveing intention of commit suicide.
12、人缘纹 Popularity Lines (PL)
Having PL means can get along with others very well.
13、神秘十字纹 Mysterious cross Lines (McL)
McL locate at centre of palm, between AL and IL.
Having McL means interest in research on religion or philosophy.
14、反抗纹 (叛逆纹) Rebellion Lines (RL)
RL locate below and parallel with the AL.
Having RL means strong in character, will not defeat easily.
But, will be a problem character to society if without moral thinking.
15、小人纹 Villain Lines (VL)
VL is the slant line appear at third portion bottom of the index finger.
More than four VL will violates the villain.
Seven or eight VL means need to settle cases in court.
alannyou 说:
People can't predict futuer, hard working is more important 。。。。