Dog is Obedient: Anytime and anywhere, waiting for your command patiently。
Dog is Forgiveness: Dreamed of your kindness while being punished。
Dos is Selfless: Never forget to share with you all of it。

狗是殷勤的: 细心的,照顾你生活上的每一个细节。
Dog is Diligent: Took very good care of your daily life in each detail。
Dog is Loyalty: More than just physically, but, sharing your pressure in spirit。
狗是救世的: 启蒙你, 在你生无可恋时。
Dog is Salvation: Enlightening you when you are in the depths of despair。
狗是永恒的: 一心一意, 至死不渝。
Dog is Eternally: heart and soul, devotedly and unswervingly loyal。
猫是顽皮的: 总是在你不留意时瞎捣乱(含着假牙)。
Cat is Mischievous: Create disaster when you do not pay attention。
猫是乐天的: 它从不错失幸災乐祸的机会。
Cat is Schadenfreude: It will not missed any chances to gloat.
Woman love funny man, man is like mischievous cat, that's why gal love cat.
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