- 键盘是由白色和黑色的键组成。
- 黑键两、三个一组。
- 在键盘上,下来是往左边, 上去是往右边。
- 当你移往左边, 音调声音降低. 当你移往
右边 , 音调声音升高.
- The keyboard is made up of white keys and black keys.
- The black keys are in groups of twos and threes.
- On the keyboard, DOWN is to the left, and UP is to the right.
- tones sound LOWER on left, and sound HIGHER as you move to right.
- C 键是在两个黑键的左边。
- 中央C 键是在键盘的中间(箭号所指处)
- 白色键的命名是 A B C D E F G 或者 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
发音 (唱) : do re mi fa so la si
- the key C is found to the left of the two black keys.
- the Middle C ia at the middle of the keyboard.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
发音 (唱) : do re mi fa so la si
- the key C is found to the left of the two black keys.
- The white keys are named A B C D E F G or 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
pronounce (sing) as : do re mi fa so la si
2. 乐谱上的中央C
- 音乐是写在五线谱表的线条和空间。
- 在五线谱表上的符号告诉我们玩哪个键。
- 乐谱上有许多符号,但首先我们要学习全音符.
- 全音符的符号

- 全音符是四拍.
- 高音谱号是右手玩的键。
- 低音谱号是左手玩的键。
2. Middle C on the music
- Music is written on the LINES and SPACES of the STAVE.
- The NOTES on the music tell us which KEYS to play.
- There are different kinds of notes, but first we shall learn the SEMIBREVE.
- a SEMBIREVE looks like this

- it is held for FOUR COUNTS.
- Treble Clef sign is the notes play by right hand
- Bass Clef sign is the notes play by left hand.
3. 五线谱
- 五线谱是列线分割成小部分组成。
- 高音谱号后面的数字告诉我们如何计算拍子。
- 一些音乐书会指示哪些手指打哪个键。
- 对于左、右拇指的编号是1。
3. Stave
- Music is divided by bar lines into bars.
- The numbers after the Clef signs tell us how to count.
- It show how many counts to each bar.
- Some music books do indicate which finger play which key.
- The finger number for left and right thumbs are numbered 1.
4. 五线谱 / 键盘 / 音符 / 音键 的联系
5. 总结这个课程
5. Summary this lesson
alannyou 说:
So embarrassing....haha...I also just started self learning piano....haha.
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