Tuesday, 31 July 2012
笑话10 : 性恪 Character
幼稚 = 憋不住尿, 憋不住话。
不成熟 = 憋得住尿,憋不住话。
成熟 = 憋得住尿,憋得住话。
衰老 = 憋得住话,憋不住尿。
From a medical perspective:
Childish = Can not hold urine, can not hold speak.
Not Mature = Can hold urine, can not hold speak.
Mature = Can hold urine, can hold speak.
Aging = Can hold speak, can not hold urine.
alannyou 说:
Everyone will pass through the above four life phases, but, remember not to jump into the swimming pool when wearing the old man diapers!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
漫画12 : 老花眼 Presbyopia
老花眼是一种自然的老化現象,由于年龄增加而导视力下降, 會感到難以聚焦閱讀太近的事物,要拿遠一點才可看清。
無論有沒有近視或遠視等, 一般人在40歲開始都會面對老花眼。
- 将图表放置约16英寸外。
- 把双眼向内(聚合)看,这时,图表上的两个黑点会显出为三到四个黑点。
- 反复练习把双眼向内(聚合)看和向外看(分岔),直到看到三个黑点。
- 看中间的黑点, 学会保持三个黑点。
持续不断的练习, 图表的字体会变得更清晰,你的日常的近视力会有所改善。
Presbyopia, commonly known as ‘Lao Hua Yan’(老花眼).
Presbyopia is an age-related condition that causes blurred near vision.
When presbyopia begins, people will hold reading materials at arm's length to help their eyes focus.
It typically starts at around age 40 and affects everyone, even those who've never had vision problems before.
Presbyopia can be reversed or delayed by learning to crossing your eyes (converging) and uncrossing your eyes (diverging) while using the presbyopia reduction chart.
Converging and Diverging Exercise:
- with the chart held about 16 inches away.
- the two black dots near the top of the page should double and you'll see three or four dots when
converging your eyes.
- try converging and diverging until you see three dots.
- learn to keep three dots while looking at the center one.
With continued practice it will get even clearer and you should notice improvement in your every-day near vision.
alannyou 说:
The inconvenience in daily life causes by myopia and presbyopia is the same as cripple !!
Monday, 16 July 2012
漫画11 : 共枕眠 Sleep On Same Pillow
佛教相信因果, 相信前世,今生.
Buddhism believe in karma or preordained fate. Believe in past and present life.
Believe that people die will reincarnated to next life. And this keep on repeating.
Whatever you do in present life will determine your next life.
Buddhism has this say:
"It takes your passed hundred years of efforts to lead you and her to be able to ride in the same
boat, and a thousand years efforts to lead you and her to be able to sleep on the same pillow."
It actually said, being husband and wife is not easy. It take you thousand years of efforts in
order to be husband and wife again in your next life.
So treasure the fate and take good care or your love one.
Hundred years of fate lead to be in the same boat.
Thousand years of fate lead to be sleeping on the same pillow.
alannyou 说:
The advantage of sleeping on the same pillow is that the alarm clock can never wake you up...haha.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
笑话09 : 原来如此 That's Why
Jimmy started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five, he was already very good at it.
He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid a lot of money for them. They said,
"This boy's going to be famous when he's little older, and
then we're going to sell these pictures for a lot more money."
Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's because he never painted on all of the paper.
He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.
"That's very clever," everyone said, "Nobody else does that!"
One day somebody bought one of Jimmy's pictures and then said to him,
"Please tell me this, Jimmy. Why do you paint on the bottom half of your pictures, but not on the top half?"
"Because I'm small," Jimmy said, "and my burshes don't reach very high."
Children and rhinos are innocent, draw as their wishes.
Don't like adults, thought complicated, intrigue against each other, life very tired...
笑话08 : 厕所标语 Toilet Signs Post
All men do know, man is sometimes not so neat in urinating, sometimes urgency and shot wide,
sometimes urinate got split ends and sometimes dripping.
In order to let a man can urine into the urinal and not drop on the floor,
some toilet will have signs post on wall above the urinal to remind men to be more careful.
However, most of the signs post does not have effect.
But, after using the below signs post, the toilet floor seem to be must more cleanest than before:
“If you can't shot into the urine pool, means your is short,
If you shot outside the urine pool, means your is soft.”
alannyou 说:
Men himself can't even control that little thing。。。what do you think ?。。。。haha.
Monday, 9 July 2012
漫画10 : 人生之轮 The Wheels of Life
未雨绸缪, 好好保养,晚年之轮,就可免了。
Prepare for a rainy day, maintain well, wheels for the old age can be avoid.
Scaring。。。is time to go for 130,000 mileage maintenance。。。haha。
怕怕。。。是时候去 130,000 英里维修了。。。哈哈。
alannyou 说:
车和人一样,需要保养,才能一帆风顺。 The car and a person, both need maintenance. So as to have a smooth journey either on the road or life.
Prepare for a rainy day, maintain well, wheels for the old age can be avoid.
Scaring。。。is time to go for 130,000 mileage maintenance。。。haha。
怕怕。。。是时候去 130,000 英里维修了。。。哈哈。
alannyou 说:
车和人一样,需要保养,才能一帆风顺。 The car and a person, both need maintenance. So as to have a smooth journey either on the road or life.
漫画09 : 蘑菇的好处 Benefit of Mushroom
Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium, yet they
provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D and more.
Benefit of Mushroom:
1. 低卡路里, 适宜减肥:
Low calorie, suitable for weight loss:
Mushroom contain a lot of inorganic, vitamin and protein, but, is low-energy-density foods,
will not get fat even if often eat.
2. 抗氧化:
蘑菇提供氨基酸, 一种天然的抗氧化剂,可以帮助保护身体的细胞. 免受伤害,避免慢性疾病。
Mushroom provide ergothioneine, a natural antioxidant, can help protect the cells of the body from damage that might lead to chronic diseases. It also help strengthen the immune system.
3. 维生素D丰富:
Rich in Vitamin D:
Other fresh vegetable and fruits contain no vitamin D, mushroom is an exception.
It is high in vitamin D that is helful for bone.
4. 美味:
Mushroom have the fresh taste, especially when cooking with other food, it is a good delicious supply.
Menu example: cooking mushrooms with leeks.
a. 将韭菜,蘑菇洗净。
Clean and wash leeks and mushrooms。
b. 将韭菜切段。
Cut leeks into section。
c. 蘑菇切片。
Slices mushrooms into pieces。
d. 炒软后,将韭菜倒入锅中煸炒至软,撒盐搅拌均匀即可。
Fry mushrooms till it turn soft, pour leeks into and fry until soft。Add salt and stir well。
韭菜能提高男性的性能力, 有壮阳的功效,别犹豫了。。。
Leek is especially effective in improving male sexual capacity, hesitate no more。。。
Thursday, 5 July 2012
漫画08 : 人生公交车 Life Bus
The life of people is like taking a bus trip.
We know that it has a starting and destination, but, can not predict what will happen during the journey.
Some people have longer journeys, some people have shorter trip.
Some are very calmly, can enjoy the scenery outside the window.
Some people are embarrassed, situation in pushing and crowded circumstances.
However, it is better as compared to those who hanging on the car door that may fall at any time.
Opportunity of getting a graceful and comfortable seat is essential, therefore, everybody will fight for a seat.
Some people are lucky, can get a seat when aboard.
Some are very unluck, he still stood while everyone else already got a seat.
Sometimes other seats become vacant, but, the seat infront still occupied.
And when you set your mind to another seat, the previous seat become vacant.
In order to obtain and keep a seat, some people disregard their conscience, even hurt others.
Some people, for some reasons, had to give up the seat to others.
Some people struggle after a long waiting and finally get a seat.
But then he had arrived.
After alighting, turn and look at the bus, may felt regret and greatly discerning and apprehending.
Even again, he will continue to fight for a seat, or else, not even a place to stand.
Unless you never get on the bus, but, this does not determine by themselves.
People alight when reached destination, others in the bus.
Still bustling, alighting and aboarding.
alannyou 说:
People can not predict the future, enjoy life each day.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
漫画07 : 乳房 Breast
随着年龄增大, 所有女性的胸部都将会松弛或下垂,这是一个自然的、不可避免的过程.
Why breast prolapse ?
Increasing with age, all women's breast eventually will relax or droop.
This is a natural and inevitable process.
Causes Of The Breast Prolapse:
1. 产后哺乳:
Postpartum Lactation:
After lactation stop, because of the hormone levels going down,
mammary gland, glands and adipose organization will shrink.
And the skin and supporting organization will then caused breast flabby.
2. 过度节食减肥:
Excessive On Diet:
It is because some women excessive weight loss causing skin and adipose tissue inside the
breast flabby.
Incorrectly method of reducing wieght, will cause breast shrink.
3. 年龄增大的老年人:
人变老后身体的各种机能都有所减退,内分泌机能下降,皮肤、支持组织、脂肪和腺体, 都
Old People:
People grow old various function will decline,
endocrine function drop, the skin, fat and glands will be significiant degradation and
atrophy, causing breast prolapse.
4. 运动时没有穿运动型内衣:
During Exercise Did Not Wear Underwear:
In the campaign such as running, bouncing, chest will swing, causing the fibre inside breast
suffer permanent damage.
Methods to prevent breast prolapse:
1. 健胸操:
Bosom Of Health:
This is the most effective, most economic method.
Having chest muscles exercise after postpartum will make breast look strong and rich.
2. 戴合适的胸罩:
Wear Proper Bra:
Adhere to wear bra during lactation.
If you don't wear bra, breast will be prolapsing when weight increasing.
When wearing bra, choose the right size with steel support style.
3. 喂奶姿势正确:
Breastfeeding With Correct Posture:
Should be two breast feeding alternatively, and each time no more than 20 minutes
4. 经常按摩:
Often Massage:
With index, middle and ring finger close to each other, place at opposite breast, with nipple at center, move fingers clockwise from outer breast toward inner. 10 times for each breast.
This can promote local blood circulation, increase nutrition supply of the breast, and to facilitate the estrogen secretion.
5. 沐浴乳房:
Bath Breast:
Using hot and cold water spraying breast alternatively, will help to improve the chest skin tension and promote breast blood circulation.
6. 推荐食物:
Recommend food:
Eat more rich in vitamin E and B food, such as,
lean meat, eggs, milk, beans, carrots, lotus, peanut, malt, grapes, sesame seeds.
alannyou 说:
Having a strong, beautiful breasts, fan pour beings, and prospered.
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